Orders placed between 15th-27th September will be processed and shipped from the 30th September.


Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.

With your food basket and with my food basket, the people will thrive.

Koha back to the community 

If you're currently fundraising, please contact us and tell us why/what you're fundraising for. 

Tino rangatiratanga kara donations

As a mihi to Whāea Linda (one of the creators of the flag) we are donating 5% of profits made from the sale of Tino Rangatiratange products towards SuperGrans Tairāwhiti trust. 

Why did we choose SuperGrans Tairāwhiti trust? 


SuperGrans purpose & kaupapa is to support Tairāwhiti whānau whānui out of hardship.

SuperGrans is a holistic wellbeing service that offers whānau a hand when they need it the most. They don’t judge the situation that people find themselves in, and help out with what whānau need and operate according to old fashioned whanaungatanga.


Their aim is to help in a way that supports people to help themselves and gain a greater level of control over their lives. SuperGrans provide the Tairāwhiti community with kai parcels, budgeting advice, life skills and cooking workshops, and social work.

 You can read more about SuperGrans Tairāwhiti trust here